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Tags Counter Getters


Due to how this patch is implemented, it is highly possible that a SQL injection exploit exists.

If you intend to use this, do NOT allow tag creation or config access on your instance to someone you don't trust!


This patch was tested for master@801cd26

What is this?

This patch adds several new template functions for the tags plugin, some of which enable you to get values of counters.

Added tag template functions

get_counter_value(counterName, userId?, channelId?)

Returns the counter value for counterName, optionally with userId or channelId if it is a counter with those options enabled.

get_all_counter_values(counterName, limit?, userId?)

Returns an array of objects of the queried data, counterName for the counter's name. limit will limit the amount of returned objects (and return them with a rank field based on their value sorted desc), and userId if it is a counter with that option enabled. You can set limit=0 to simply return ranked fields with no limit


Returns a resolvedUser object from a userID, useful for parsing tags from IDs

lb_map(array, sepperator, ...keys)

TODO: Explain this better

find_i(array, key)

Returns the index # of a key in the specified array


Parses a string into snowflake (strips any non-numerical characters)

cases(modifier, array)

This function already existed on the main instance, however, was modified to also handle array of arrays.

Sample Tags for Leveling

color: 0xfdf2b7
name: |-
{set("target", if(not(eq(args.0, "")), if(not(eq(get_user(args.0), "")), get_user(args.0), ""), user))}{set("is_valid", if(and(eq(args.0, ""), eq(map(get("target"), "id"),, "y", if(eq(get("target"), ""), "", "y2")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "<none>", concat(map(get("target"), "tag")))}
url: |-
{set("target", if(not(eq(args.0, "")), if(not(eq(get_user(args.0), "")), get_user(args.0), ""), user))}{set("is_valid", if(and(eq(args.0, ""), eq(map(get("target"), "id"),, "y", if(eq(get("target"), ""), "", "y2")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "", map(get("target"), "avatarURL"))}
description: |
{set("counter", "xp")}{set("show_rank", "true")}{set("xp_exponent", 1.3)}{set("xp_multiplier", 60)}{set("xp_offset", 7)}{set("target", if(not(eq(args.0, "")), if(not(eq(get_user(args.0), "")), get_user(args.0), ""), user))}{set("realxp", get_counter_value(get("counter"), map(get("target"), "id")))}{set("xp", if(or(eq(get("realxp"), ""), eq(get("realxp"), 0)), 0, get("realxp")))}{set("level", floor(exp(div(sub(get("xp"), get("xp_offset")), get("xp_multiplier")), div(1,get("xp_exponent")))))}{set("curr_max", ceil(add(mul(get("xp_multiplier"), exp(get("level"), get("xp_exponent"))), get("xp_offset"))))}{set("next_max", ceil(add(mul(get("xp_multiplier"), exp(add(1, get("level")), get("xp_exponent"))), get("xp_offset"))))}{set("progress", sub(get("next_max"), sub(get("next_max"), get("xp"))))}{set("is_valid", if(and(eq(args.0, ""), eq(map(get("target"), "id"),, "y", if(eq(get("target"), ""), "", "y2")))}{set("progress_base",if(eq(get("level"), 0), get("xp"), sub(get("xp"), get("curr_max"))))}{set("progress_next",if(eq(get("level"), 0), get("next_max"), sub(get("next_max"), get("curr_max"))))}{set("rank", if(and(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), eq(get("show_rank"), "true")), "", map(get_all_counter_values(get("counter"), 1, map(get("target"), "id")), "rank")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "Please check if you mentioned a user or put a correct user ID")}
{if(and(eq(get("show_rank"), "true"), eq(get("is_valid"), "")), "", concat("**Rank:** #", get("rank")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "", concat("**Level:** ", get("level")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "", concat("**Progress:** ", get("progress_base"), " / ", get("progress_next")))}
{if(eq(get("is_valid"), ""), "", concat("**Total XP:** ", get("xp")))}

Downloading the Patch

Download the patch from here.

Applying the Patch

git am <path to file>


In order to apply the patch you will need to rebuild and redeploy your Bot Service

Respective Patches

0010-counters-tag-getters.patch- Initial setup