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Bot Control

bot_control is the Zeppelin plugin which lets you manage your instance (i.e. allowing other servers)

Command Access

STAFF commands

In order to use these commands, you will need to have your discord user ID defined in the STAFF environment variable.

permission-requiring commands

In order to use these commands, you will need to have the assigned permissions, regardless of being in the STAFF environment variable.

This means that you will need to add/edit your global config key directly on your configs table in your database (in JSON format)

Take a look at the global config guide for more information on this.

Alternatively, check the Default BotControl Overrides Patch that adds these automatically for STAFF users

Command List

STAFF commands

Allow Server

Usage: @bot allow_server <guild_id> [user_id]

Aliases: allowserver, add_server, addserver

This commands adds a server to the allowlist, and if user_id is specified, gives permanent manage access permission to the ID specified.

Additionally, it also provides manage access permission for one hour to the person running this command.

Disallow Server

Usage: @bot disallow_server <guild_id>

Aliases: disallowserver, remove_server, removeserver

This commands removes a server from the allowlist.

Leave Server

Usage: @bot leave_server <guild_id>

Aliases: leave_guild

This command forces the bot to leave a specified server.


Usage: @bot servers

Aliases: guilds

Flags: -search <text>, -all, -initialized, -uninitialized

This command displays a count of the servers that the bot is on, or if a flag is utilized, displays a list of matching servers

Channel To Server

Usage: @bot channel_to_server <channel_id>

Aliases: channel2server

This fetches information about a channel, such as it's type and what server it belongs to.

Add Dashboard User

Usage: @bot add_dashboard_user <guild_id> <users>

This commands gives access for the specified user(s) (space-separated) for the specified guild ID.

Remove Dashboard User

Usage: @bot remove_dashboard_user <guild_id> <users>

This commands revokes access for the specified user(s) (space-separated) for the specified guild ID.

Reload Server

Usage: @bot reload_server <guild_id>

Aliases: reload_guild

This command reloads the config and plugins of a specific guild ID.

Bot Reload Global Plugins

Usage: @bot bot_reload_global_plugins

This command reloads your global config and global plugins.

can_eligible commands


Usage: @bot eligible <user> <invite>

Aliases: is_eligible, iseligible

This command checks if a user or invite code (guild information) pass the eligibility checks for the main instance.

Eligibility checks are defined here

Add Server From Invite

Usage: @bot add_server_from_invite <user> <invite>

Aliases: allow_server_from_invite, adv

This command checks if a user or invite code (guild information) pass the eligibility checks for the main instance, and if so, allows the server of their invite URL.

can_list_dashboard_perms commands

List Dashboard Perms

Usage: @bot list_dashboard_permissions

Aliases: list_dashboard_perms, list_dash_permissions, list_dash_perms

Flags: -g <guild_id>, -u <user_id>

This command lists all permission assignments for either the specified guild or user ID.

List Dashboard Users

Usage: @bot list_dashboard_users <guild_id>

This command lists all users who have any permissions for a specific guild ID.

can_performance commands

Ratelimit Performance

Usage: @bot rate_limit_performance

This command generates a log file of ratelimits hit during the bot's uptime, in archive form.

Rest Performance

Usage: @bot rest_performance

This command was intended to display the top count of REST calls performed during the bot's uptime but seems to no longer function.

Profiler Data

Usage: @bot profiler_data

This command generates a log file of the profiler's data during the bot's uptime, in archive form.