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Global Configuration


Setting up your global config in order to have access to all global commands?

Instead, check the Default BotControl Overrides Patch!

The global config is the configuration which lets you define some global variables and permissions for your instance. It is important that you define it.

Setting up your global config


It is highly recommended to use a tool like DBeaver to perform these operations

You will effectively need to insert/update a row to your configs table directly on your database with id=1, key=global and is_active=1.

Config Values

The actual config value is just a JSON field of your actual configuration.

This configuration works similarly to dashboard guild configurations, except that you can configure global plugins on it, such as bot_control.

For ease of use, use a tool like to convert your YAML code directly into JSON for inputting into the table row.

# This is YAML, in order to input this on your database
# you will need to transform this into JSON after changing the values!

! # This is your prefix for global commands, if this is not defined, the default prefix is @bot-mention

url: https://IP_OR_DOMAIN/api # This will allow your archives to link to a URL
can_use: false # Currently doesn't do anything
can_eligible: false # Allows the user to run server eligibility commands
can_performance: false # Allows the user to run performance commands
can_add_server_from_invite: false # Allows the user to add servers based on eligibility checks of a invite URL
can_list_dashboard_perms: false # Allows the user to list dashboard permissions for a guild
update_cmd: null # Currently doesn't do anything
- any:
- user: "USER_ID_1" # Put your user IDs here
- user: "USER_ID_2"
can_use: true
can_eligible: true
can_performance: true
can_add_server_from_invite: true
can_list_dashboard_perms: true

Reloading the global config

If you are defined as staff on the STAFF environment variable, you will be able to use the bot_reload_global_plugins commands in order to reload your global config without restarting your bot.